Technical Recruiting Redefined

Digital Pocket®’s technical recruiting process stands apart from our competitors. We are dedicated to hiring the best technical staff for our own firm, and apply the same process to help our clients find the best talent of their own.

Rely on Digital Pocket® to provide top quality candidates vetted though our rigorous technical internal interview process.

Push Aside that Pile of Resumes

We source candidates from multiple avenues, and know the right questions to ask.  Our multi-step process is both technical and qualitative, keep our clients needs and culture in mind.  We thoroughly vet our applicants and deliver fully qualified "ready to hire" candidates to our clients.

Reduce Head Hunter Fees

Digital Pocket® maintains long lasting relationships with our clients.  Providing the right talent will enable your business to flourish, and we are with you for the long haul.

Our fees are significantly lower then standard 20-30% dedicated recruitment firms charge.  Our tiered pricing structure allows you to competitively compensate talented candidates without concern over your recruitment budget.